Manuel Ramos, Economist, Analyst, and Portfolio Manager is considered a pioneer in the United States of America through social media, radio, press and television broadcasting in topics related to economic, politics, and information related to the financial world. Since 1990, Mr. Ramos and the organization Proteja su Patrimonio have conducted more than 3,900 educational seminars, with the mission of forming financial literacy within the Spanish-speaking community.
Yale School of Management, New Haven, Connecticut, 2019
Certified Investment
Management Analyst
National Association of Estate Planners & Council, Cleveland, Ohio *2019
Accredited Asset Planner (AEP)
American College of Financial Services, King of Prussia, PA -2018
Character Financial Consultant (CHFC)
OMMA Business School
Madrid, España -2018
Master in Value Investing
Institute of Business & Finance
La Joya, CA - 2016
Master Sciences in Financial Services (MSFS)
OMMA Business School
Madrid, España, Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Guatemala -2015
Double Certification in Master of Austrian Economics

Prestige Recognitions

Qualified Member since 1996
Court of the Table since 1997
Top of the Table since 2003
Life Member Since 2006
Centaurus Financial Awards

Professional Certifications
National Association of Estate lanners & Councils,
Accredited Asset Planner
Institute of Business & Finance, La Joya, CA.
Certified Tax Specialist
Certified Annuity Specialist
Certified Income Specialist
Certified Fund Specialist
Certified Trust & Estate Specialist
American College of Financial Services.
Personal Estate and Retirement Planning
Life Insurance Marketing
Personal Insurance
Business Insurance.
Solid Experience for
Capital Management